Mana (in Brazilian Portuguese) is the shorter form of the word “sister” and it’s not at all exclusively used to refer to a blood relative, but anyone can be Mana. It was with this concept in mind that I, at the end of 2020, started to write texts and music ideas in connection with the character of MANA. At first, each idea seemed to be very unique in its structure and each one of them would touch a different subject or theme. Slowly, I began to notice that the common point was my background. As a person who identifies as a tomboy, an artist, a woman, an expat, a latina, I have experienced moments where people around me would frown upon my expression related to this identity and expect me to change who I am, thus assuming a role more fitting to the image of society they thought as ideal. MANA became an album containing spoken word, instrumental tracks and a wide-range mix of music genres to express how I have processed (or not) the impact those experiences had on me. The album is structured in three acts that tells Mana’s journey. First Act released on September 1, 2023.